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VITALITY (VIT) : A measure of a character's physical and mental constitution. Used to calculate HP and Healing.


PHYSICAL (PHYS) : A measure of physical power, body and contact-weapon control. Used to calculate DMG and HP.


MAGIC (MAGI) : A measure of power, control and potency of magical abilities. Used to calculate DMG and Healing.


TECHNOLOGY (TECH) : A measure of technological power, knowledge and proficiency. Used to calculate DMG and DEF.


DEFENSE (DEF) : A measure of a character's durability. Gauges how much damage a character can mitigate to preserve HP.

[ S T A T S ]

[ T U R N â˜† A C T I O N S ]

Players are allowed one action per turn, as well as an additional defense if attacked.

Combat : Attacking, defending, healing, and using an item. Players may only perform one combat action per turn.


Movement : Moving during combat will not use a turn unless player's are intending to set up an action or disengage from combat.


Special : Special actions such as search, persuade, help out, perform, etc. may use a turn and/or require skill checks.

[ Upon acceptance, new recruits will be assigned a two-digit I.D. number that can be inserted into the calculator to auto-calculate combat output. ]

[ C O M B A T â˜† F. A. Q.' s ]

Members ARE NOT required to utilize their stats in personal RP's.  

Dice Rolls : We use a custom server bot for 2d10 combat rolls and skill checks. Commands for rolls: !phys, !magi, !tech and !skill.


Combat Rolls :  < 6  ‣  Unsuccessful | 7-20  â€£  Success (higher roll = greater output)

Skill Rolls :  < 6  ‣  Unsuccessful  |  7-15  ‣  Mixed success  | 16+  â€£  Total success


Skill Checks : Mixed successes will allow the intended skill check to succeed under certain conditions or incur a consequence.

Base Stats   -   Each hunter will start out with 50 Stat Points (SP) to allocate to five base stats: Vitality, Physical, Magic, Technology, and Defense. Characters MUST have at least one point in Vitality.


Power Types  -  There are three power types which determine a character's actionable output in combat (PHYS, MAGI, and TECH). Abilities may fall into more than one type but players may only roll for one power type per turn. Abilities are not required to have type labels.


Type Effectiveness  -  The three power types form a triangle of effectiveness where any one is either super effective or resists another.  Defending an attack of the same typing results in neutral effectiveness.


Super Effective :  PHYS > TECH | TECH > MAGI | MAGI > PHYS

Neutral :  PHYS = PHYS |  MAGI = MAGI | TECH = TECH

Less Effective :  PHYS < MAGI |  MAGI < TECH  |  TECH < PHYS


Physical Abilities : Any skill or trait that utilizes the physical body or conventional reflex control in combat. Ex) Physical strength, Body morphing, Camouflage, Weapon Proficiency, Enhanced senses, etc.

Magical Abilities : Any skill or trait that utilizes magical/supernatural power in combat. Ex) Manipulating the elements, Psionics, Illusions, Charms, Enchantments, Abjuration, Conjuration, etc.

Technological Abilities :  Any skill or trait that utilizes some form of advanced technology in combat. Ex) Laser Canon, Thermal Sight, Jet Pack, Cybernetics Enhancements, Nanotech, etc.

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