[ R U L E S ]
☆ BE COURTEOUS. There is a zero-tolerance policy for harassment, name-calling, or gossip about another member... Follow the Golden/Platinum Rule!
☆BE RESPECTFUL. We are a PG-18 group however, members are expected to keep explicit content to their appropriate channel. Violence and profanity are allowed but we ask you to remain mindful of other members and refrain from actions that may cause them discomfort.
☆ BE COMMUNICATIVE. Do not hesitate to notify the group or a moderator directly with any questions or concerns. The sooner we are made aware of a situation, the more effectively we will be able to address and resolve it.
☆ BE INCLUSIVE. Do your part to make the group enjoyable for everyone. Close friend groups are not uncommon in groups nor disallowed however, we do not want to see people purposefully outcast from social circles or RPs.
[ Roleplay ☆ Etiquette ]
☆ RP CHANNELS. Public RP rooms are available on server and can be used anytime! If in use, @ participants for the OK to enter. Due to limited availability, channels will be considered open if inactive for 72 hours (3 days).
☆ LANGUAGE. Please use English on server as it is the group's common language. Avoid RPing in other languages on server as it may barrier others from participating. Furthermore, please keep conversations in their appropriate channels to avoid clutter!
☆ CONSENT. Ask RP partners for consent before initiating intimate or dangerous situations. Do not kill, maim or injure another member's character without consent. God-modding, power-plays and meta-gaming are prohibited. Do not RP another member's character unless given explicit permission to do so.
[ F. A. Q.' S ]
I. How do characters board the Pontifex?
Characters can request permission to board when the Pontifex lands on their planet or by activating a Recruit Token. Recruit Tokens are a small disc-like technology that can teleport individuals to the ship with the click of a button. They are distributed by fellow hunters to promising recruits from past worlds visited and flash bright blue during active recruitment periods. During non-recruitment periods, they appear inactive and cannot be used.
II. What will my character be doing?
Player characters will start out as Bounty Hunters, essential personnel responsible for collecting bounties to generate revenue for the ship. This revenue is used to resupply, purchase repairs, upgrade equipment, and continue operations. Bounties are issued by the world hosting the Pontifex and may range from menial tasks to life-threatening ones however, hunters are not required to participate in all bounties.
III. Do I have to draw my app art?
We are an art and RP heavy group and thusly all app art must be 100% drawn by you. Collaborated artwork, traces, bases and commissioned artwork will not be accepted. Artwork must include at least a full body reference of your character on the app template of the bridge you are applying to.
IV. How many characters can I have?
Currently, there is no limit to how many characters you may have however there are rank requirements for creating additional Hunters (characters that can collect Bounties and participate in Bridge Wars). Rookies start with one Hunter and one NPC slot. Higher ranks unlock additional character slots.
V. Can my character have a pet?
​Not at first! Once aboard however, crew members may purchase pet or mount slots if they choose from the General Store. Familiars tied to one's magic may be exempt from this rule but will require case by case review from the Officers.
VI. Must characters speak the same language?
No! Characters can have their own unique language and still communicate with one another! The Pontifex utilizes an outdated version of the Intergalactic Language Database (ILD) which comes pre-programmed in every Hunter's badge and translates the recorded languages. The database is manually updated when encountering new worlds.
VII. Who built the Pontifex/where is it from?
Rumor has it the Pontifex used to be a war vessel, but there has been little to no information to back up this claim. To this day, only the Captain and a handful of crew were present for the beginning of the Pontifex and do not so readily speak of it's origins. Perhaps one day someone can find out more?